Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Uniforms In Schools - 845 Words

School uniforms: a debate that has been tossed back and forth for years now. The percentage of schools that necessitate uniforms and the percentage of the ones that do not are approximately equal. This conveys a dispute that is difficult to find a definite solution for, due to the ambiguous negatives and positives being drawn between both arguments. Uniforms being a part of school systems became widespread first after Long Beach, California implemented them into their elementary and middle schools. It is safe to say that since then, schools have become far more lenient with what restrictions students have when it comes to uniforms. However, some others disagree with the policies on uniforms, believing that they obstruct on childrens†¦show more content†¦It creates a unified community that has no economic or social barriers relating to clothing. To empathize the point being made, it should be known that hectoring youth can lead to both physical and emotional stress, depressio n, and in extreme cases, even death. When the threats of bullying are so prominent in a teenager’s life, precautions must be made. Accepting uniforms in a school will help it present itself in a more professional and safe manner. For instance, if someone were to come up to the school requesting entrance wearing clothing previously banned, it would be a cause for suspicion. This could assist schools in being more efficient in the event of a lockdown or emergency. Meanwhile, schools are still being regularly threatened to date; a study states In addition, school uniforms are generally a benefit for parents, economically. With uniforms having the same style every year, albeit with occasional leniencies, there is not much cause for buying new uniforms yearly besides from a child growing. Without a school uniform, teenagers quickly tire of what they wear to school and want to get new clothes around every month. This is due to students wanting to â€Å"stay with the times† and the latest trends. In the logic of the adolescent mind, if you have the latest clothes, then it will boost your reputation and status on the school map, and so a time consuming cycle is forged. This would cost the parents more of their salary that could be better spent onShow MoreRelatedPros and Cons School Uniform1515 Words   |  7 PagesPros and Cons of School Uniforms Trina Warren Liberty University Professor Mink GRST 500/501 June 17, 2013 Abstract The decision for school district to enforce school uniforms has been in existence since the 16th century. School uniforms were originally created for poor children; however, over time, schools saw uniforms as a way to bring students together. There has been debate whether uniforms improve academic success while reducing affiliation of violence. There is opinion and study thatRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniforms1206 Words   |  5 Pages School uniforms have been around for a long time in k-12th grades along with even some colleges, while most private schools have uniforms, now some public schools are trending toward uniforms as well. There are two sides to this argument, with pros and cons to both. I have interviewed Dale Patnode, Kelly Patnode and Patricia Patnode, they bring a first hand experience with what uniform show and what they do for students. Dale Patnode went to catholic schools throughout his whole life, experiencingRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniforms1158 Words   |  5 PagesSchool Uniforms: Are Boomers and Stickers Affecting the Way People See Them? People say that school uniforms are a good thing. They prevent bullying, they are easier for parents to dress younger students, and they help students focus on studying, not what they are wearing. Are school administrators or boomers of the American school systems causing students to become Wendys Berrys version of stickers? Having students wear school uniforms have several pros and cons to them, including the costRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniforms1936 Words   |  8 PagesEnglish 10 CP 27 January 2015 Pros and Cons of School Uniforms In 1994, the school district of Long Beach California was one of the first to enforce school uniforms in the grades Kindergarten through 8th, and crime rates in the district dropped 22% soon after. School attendance also improved after the uniforms were introduced. Although this one statistic shows there are positive outcomes from school uniforms, there is one question that remains: Do school uniforms help or harm the students andRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniforms712 Words   |  3 PagesAn epidemic among many schools around the United States and around the world is one huge thing. This epidemic among schools is the fact that students have to wear uniforms for their schools. However, some parents and students may disagree with wearing these uniforms. I am one who supports the statement that students should not wear these uniforms for their schools. The next paragraphs will explain the pros and cons of not wearing and wearing school uniforms. I personally think that students shouldn’tRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms2005 Words   |  9 PagesStates is whether or not public school students should be required to wear uniforms. According to Lisa Flam, author of the article, â€Å"Are School Uniforms Helping or Hindering?† on, â€Å"Nineteen percent of public school principals reported requiring uniforms in the 2009-2010 school year, up from 12 percent a decade earlier, according to TODAY.† Many people are against the idea of allowing students to dress freely, but students not having to wear uniforms has its benefits. Parents wouldRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms702 Words   |  3 PagesSchool uniforms have been around for decades within many private and parochial schools. In more recent years more and more public schools are implementing their own uniforms hoping to see a change for the good within their schools. Upon researching the effects of these uniforms, it is clear to see that school uniforms are unnecessary concepts that decrease student individuality and do not actually help school attendance or test scores. Prior to taking a strong stance on this controversial topicRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms791 Words   |  4 Pageshave the school uniform policy (research conducted in 2017). This means that one-fifth of the country’s students who are in school are not allowed to wear their own clothes. The statistics indicate that a majority of the United States disapprove of school uniforms since the percentage remains low. The topic about school uniforms has created two sides of the issue. Some believe that students should wear school uniforms to provide an equal learning environment. Those who oppose school uniforms believeRead MorePros, Cons, And Solutions Of The School Uniforms752 Words   |  4 PagesPros, Cons, and Solutions of The school Uniforms Individuality or uniformity, which one will you choose? The school uniforms are specific clothing students are forced to wear in an attempt to fix school related problems. They are quite controversial because they do fix some problems, but they also restrict students freedom of expression. School uniforms were first enforced in the 1980’s as an attempt to fix academic and behavioral problems. There are both positives and negatives of school uniformsRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniforms819 Words   |  4 Pagesbe desired in schools with no school uniform. Being there is a major ethical appeal to introducing school uniforms to schools nationally. An advocate for school uniforms, Hillary Clinton, â€Å"as a way to help students focus on learning: ... Puts the focus on school, not on what youre wearing (Mike Wilson). When everyone is wearing school uniforms, equality would become more than a desired idea or way of life. It would become a reality. Visually accessible to an yone. School uniforms will reduce the

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